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Long Time No Update~

Writer's picture: Adella HalimAdella Halim

Hello everyone. Good evening. Adel’s here.

I hope all of you are well physically and mentally. It’s been a while since I last posted an update here. I guess, that’s what happened when you started a new job in the middle of finishing your old job and trying to move back your life from Sulawesi to Jakarta. Alas, I am back to motherland with tons of news to share to you all. At least to you who have chosen to spend a bit of time to read my blog. Without further due, let’s get to it shall we?

Before we get to the “juicy” part, let’s talk about the reason why I have neglected this blog. Work has taken an interesting toll for sure. The last post before this was written at Manado when I was still doing my obligatory internship. I am happy to report all is done and well. I am very grateful for the experience, for the friends and awesome teammates. It would have been impossible to get through it without the amazing company of my fellow intern mates. I got back to Jakarta late November and was excited to actually have a job. OK.. maybe not a job as general practitioner but hey. Job is a job. It helps to pay the bill and your girl ain’t complaining. I like the job because it indirectly helps with the transition of real adulting life. The “work” is similar to freelance therefore I have tons of freedom regarding the workload. And if you know me, I am not good with setting boundaries and have probably abused it as a reason to run from my other problems. He He He. Well, we can get into that later. The real adventure began when I was looking for job as a general practitioner who recently graduated and is currently pursuing her Master degree in Hospital Management. If you are not aware, the life of a fresh graduate doctor in Indonesia is not as fancy as it used to be, especially if you have some work schedule limitation due to your school. After months of trying to book a job as clinician, I ended up applying for doctor managerial role. And that’s what I’ve been doing professionally for the last two months. Despite not being sure it’s what I wanted to do at first, the job is somehow fitting. By being a patient relation, I have the opportunity to learn what it’s like to actually manage a hospital. During the seven-eight years of my medical studies, I only know things regarding helping my patients get better. I don’t know about good medical services, how hard and complicated it is to “please” patient, procure devices. It’s been very fun to learn those new things. And I look forward to learning more about it in the future. Who knows, you might meet me in the hospital I’m working at now. If that happens, feel free to say hi to me. Hehehe :)

Next, let’s talk future plans. Some of you might have guessed. My parents were “shocked” to know I want to study hospital management instead of jumping in to the pool of specialization prep. I am not saying I don’t want to do it, but after listening to my friends’ and seniors’ experiences, I feel I need more time to decide whether that life is made for me or not. Other than explaining to my parents why it’s not that easy to decide, I need to come to terms that if I pursue specialization, I will be missing a lot of family-friends quality time. The “no work-life boundaries” lifestyle that I try so hard to run from will be the life for at least 4 years. And that is me assuming that I will get in on my first try which by the way is not always the case. Pursuing specialization at Indonesia requires more than brain, money and willingness. It actually requires tons of luck. Honestly speaking, I do not think I’m ready to put myself in that vulnerable position yet. There are other more crucial things to settle first before I make a decision regarding that particular aspect. Pray for me will you? Much appreciated if you say yes #wink. However, if you’re a general practitioner who is now doing the prep for specialization, I wish you nothing but the best. May the odds be in your favor.

OK… let’s get to the juicy part. Not that anyone has ever leave a DM saying “we want to know about your love life” [ and please don’t. That’s just pure creepy :l ] It’s my personal thing. I treated this blog as a platform to express my thoughts, troubles and . . . basically a diary. I am not writing to gain sympathy nor trying to stir some drama, I am simply looking for a way to unload my stress. So, if you feel uncomfortable feel free to jump to the next paragraph. I got no wise quotes about love this time. He he he. Your girl has been back to the market since early May this year. Ehm, turns out being in a relationship is really really really more complicated, even worse than what I pictured in my head. I guess one good thing I can say about my first dating experience was . . . despite not having the best communication, we were able to end things civil and gave each other much needed space to heal, faced our own demons and wished each other the best. Another lesson I learnt was that, differences are good. However, one needs to know how much is too much. One also need to draw a line of adapting so one didn’t feel lost in the relationship. In my dictionary, a good working healthy relationship will allow each other to flourish and grow into the best version of themselves. However, in that relationship, I feel like we are busy fixing and protecting each other to a point we forgot that we need to take care of ourselves as well. In case you’re wondering, I am fine. I am healing. I have beautiful supportive squad that stand by me since day 1. My 1497 miles away 🦌, my sassy fellow foodie bad ass women, the OG ladies crew and of course, my family. Although I would have love to have them close and in reach, I am really glad they have found what they love about life and are working towards their dreams. I won’t even be shocked if I get an engagement invitation or news from one of them #wink

Last but not least, let’s talk about what’s going on with me as an individual.

Your girl is very happy to have her routine back. A glass of semi-warm coffee before gym every other day, shower, work and . . . more work to be honest #lol I won’t lie. Sometimes it feels like the days are super long and never ending. After one deadline comes another but again, she ain’t complaining. One needs to hustle especially during her early career days, right? Rome isn’t built in one day. I work on loving and accepting me even more. I am turning 26 years old this year. I finally have a bit more courage to face my problems head on instead of overdramatizing it inside my head first. I learn to make hard decisions regarding the people I want to keep in my life. I learn how to handle myself instead of always running and/or looking for distractions to make it numb. I learn that regardless of the circumstances, I am capable of handling myself. I am back to eating “cleaner”and healthier. Overall, I am working on being the better version of myself and I’m loving every second of it, be it good bad or neutral. I feel something shifted inside of me and I do hope it stays and guides me to the right direction of life.

And. . . that’s all for the update folks.

If you want to take this girl out for a friendly date, be sure to send me that message. I am always up for a quick catch-up session with my fellow friends.

Until next time, stay kind, stay fabulous and have a great time.

Love, always and forever,

Genoveva Verena Adella 🥀

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